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BR 99 (VI K)

The actual painting

Painting was what the job was all about so I quickly set up my spray booth and set out with the base coat. The first coat was a bit grainy. I removed it and started over. This is important: if you are not happy with the result, don't accept it. The second attempt was excellent, as smooth as a baby skin.
And soon there was the first black coat, not completely covering yet, some layers to go.

The end result. To my personal taste the red (Revell SM330) is bit too hard, but ok that was the colour advise with the model and it matches the colour of the wheels.

Well. I brought the loco to the stadium where it was abandoned ten years ago. I am happy with the result.

Decalling proved to be easy. I described the decalling process elaborately when building my Shay, so please refer to that if you want to know how I did that.

I finally I gave the loco a semi-gloss coat. The gloss looks a bit hard on the photo but that is just a matter of lighting.

Compare the start and the end result and judge for your self!